This week starts the third phase of my training cycle. A race and a field event are on the calendar in the next four weeks.
This week starts the third phase of my training cycle. A race and a field event are on the calendar in the next four weeks. I thought Caliban's War was a slower read than Leviathan Wakes. Keep at it!
Started The Vital Abyss by James S.A. Corey.
Thoughts on making Dakjuk (Korean-Style Congee with Chicken and Vegetables) from J. Kenji Lopez-Alt’s The Wok cookbook. Still just ok, 3 stars ★★★☆☆
Megan says “tastes like Thanksgiving,” but her tone is not praise.
Finished The Churn. Amos’s past seems intentionally vague in the novels, so it was interesting to see it developed.