This coming week starts my next training cycle, targeting the Atlanta Track Club Grand Prix Mile.
This coming week starts my next training cycle, targeting the Atlanta Track Club Grand Prix Mile.
This past week started the fourth and final phase of this training cycle. February 8th is the goal race, the Atlanta Track Club Jerome Scales Southside 5 Miler.
This week starts Phase III of my current training cycle. Phase II was short, but went well.
Phase III will last five weeks and is usually the hardest phase. Additionally, I’m racing Dem Calves this weekend.
This week starts Phase II of my training cycle targeting the Jerome Scales Southside 5 Miler in February. The focus will be on anaerobic R-pace work.
I’ve started a new training cycle targeting the Jerome Scales Southside 5 Miler in February. Here are some details about this first phase.