This past week started the fourth and final phase of this training cycle. February 8th is the goal race, the Atlanta Track Club Jerome Scales Southside 5 Miler.
This past week started the fourth and final phase of this training cycle. February 8th is the goal race, the Atlanta Track Club Jerome Scales Southside 5 Miler.
This week starts Phase III of my current training cycle. Phase II was short, but went well.
Phase III will last five weeks and is usually the hardest phase. Additionally, I’m racing Dem Calves this weekend.
I raced the Atlanta Track Club Grand Prix Cross Country 5k on Wednesday. It was the first 5k in years that I raced by feel rather than a target pace, but I think that fit the course well.
This week started the fourth and final phase of my training cycle. The previous phase went as planned, and I raced the Winship 5k. This phase has the Atlanta Track Club Grand Prix Cross Country 5k.
I raced the Atlanta Track Club Decatur DeKalb 4 Miler on Saturday. It was a grueling race, but I hit my goal right on the nose.