Running Update (June 2024)

I’m starting the fourth and final phase of my current training cycle this week.

This week starts the fourth and final phase of Jack Daniel’s “Red” fitness plan.

Phase three included a 3,000m track race, which went well for me. Other than that, I ran my planned runs and continued with my strength training.

My 3,000m performance increased my VDOT from 41.2 to 43.3, but I increased my training paces by only one VDOT. I’ve previously found a too sudden increase in training paces can be overwhelming, so I increase by a maximum of one VDOT point if I’m already training near my fitness level. So these are my new training paces (min/mi):

Easy (E)
Marathon (M)
Threshold (T)
Interval (I)
Repetition (R)

My next four weeks of running will look like this:

  1. Monday: 10 minutes E + 4 strides + 5 minutes I + 4 minutes jog + 3 minutes I + 2 minutes jog + 10 minutes easy
  2. Tuesday: 30 minutes E + 8 strides
  3. Wednesday: 10 minutes E + 6 strides + 1.5 miles T + 2 minutes rest + 10 minutes E
  4. Friday: 30 minutes E + 8 strides
  5. Saturday: 50 minutes easy + 4 strides

That’s a slight reduction in volume at I and T paces from last phase. No races during this phase, but I will be wrapping it up while on vacation in the US Southwest, so that will be fun.