Watermelon-Elderflower Granita

Thoughts on making Watermelon-Elderflower Granita from Nik Sharma’s _Season_ cookbook. Four stars from me; N/A stars from the family 😞. If you like watermelon, you’d like this granita.

Last week I made the Watermelon-Elderflower Granita from Nik Sharma’s Season cookbook.

The hardest-to-find ingredient was the condensed coconut milk, but I finally found it at Publix of all places! The recipe is easy and straightforward. The hardest part is consistently agitating the mixture as it freezes so that it freezes in granules instead of a big ice block. It’s served topped with condensed coconut milk which I assume is supposed to be like sweetened condensed milk but made from coconut milk instead.

I’m the only one in the family who tried it, and I thought it was delicious. My wife doesn’t like watermelon, so she wasn’t interested. My daughter does like watermelon, but she didn’t want to try it. My son likewise was not interested. I was not a fan of the condensed coconut milk topping; the fat in it solidified in the cold granita causing it to clump up. I tried it with regular sweetened condensed milk and thought that tasted much better.

I took it to a gathering with friends, and everyone who had some said it was great. We knocked it out within the first 20 minutes of the party. I think if you like watermelon, you’d like this granita.

I am cooking my way through Nik Sharma’s Season cookbook. Read more about it.