Running Update (September 2024)

This week marked the start of the third phase of my training cycle.

This week marked the start of the third phase of Jack Daniel’s “Red” fitness plan.

The last phase went as planned. I did reduce my strength training to two days a week, and that seemed to ease both the physical and mental burden.

My next few weeks will look something like this:

  1. Monday: 10 minutes Easy + 6 Strides + 4 x 3 minutes H with 2 minute jog recoveries + 10 minutes Easy
  2. Tuesday: 30 minutes Easy + 6 Strides
  3. Wednesday: Monday: 10 minutes Easy + 2 miles T + 10 minutes Easy
  4. Thursday: 30 minutes Easy + 6 Strides
  5. Friday: 30 minutes Easy + 6 Strides
  6. Saturday: 50 minutes Easy

I registered for the Winship 5k, which will land on the last week of phase three. I think I’ll race it, which would mean a goal pace of ~7:34min/mi.