YouTube Channels 2022

The YouTube channels I'm subscribed to as of December 2022.

Inspired by my recent Podcasts post, here are my current YouTube subscriptions:

Reducing Car Dependency

  • Not Just Bikes: A Canadian living in Amsterdam teaching how cars ruin cities.
  • Strong Towns: Strong Towns tends to take an economic approach in arguing for reducing car dependency in cities. Cars: they’re not just bad for the environment, our health, and traffic, they’re also bad for our cities’ finances.


  • Atlanta Track Club: Mostly short promotional videos, but I’m an ATC member, so figured I’d subscribe.
  • BikeBlogger: This guy videos his bike commute to work. A nice peaceful discussion of a topic with the background of a flywheel and commute commentary. “UP the hill, UP the hill”.
  • Global Cycling Network: They put out a ton of content, most of it very good and interesting.
  • Park Tool: Bicycle maintenance instructions, tips, and products.
  • Phil Gaimon: Fun cycling videos from an ex-pro.
  • The Mocko Show: Entertaining videos following the training of runner Chris Mocko. I haven’t seen a new video in a disappointingly long time though.


  • Alex: Formerly titled “French Guy Cooking”, Alex takes obsessive deep dives into different cooking topics with a heavy dose of engineering.
  • Pailin’s Kitchen: The best Thai cooking channel/website I’ve found. Videos for every recipe on Hot Thai Kitchen. It is a game changer when learning a new cuisine.
  • Peaceful Cuisine: Calming videos of the host cooking. No words, just the sounds of food prep and soothing background music.



  • Joseph’s Machines: A modern Rube Goldberg, Joseph makes ridiculously creative and complicated contraptions.
  • Mark Rober: An engineer using science for interesting projects.
  • USA Curling: I like curling and wish I saw it more often than just the Winter Olympics.