Basement Project End of Week 11

Week 11 saw the painting mostly finished up and electrical trim out on Monday and Tuesday, and yesterday and today the HVAC guys did their finishing work. Here’s how things look now.

Week 11 saw the painting mostly finished up and electrical trim out on Monday and Tuesday, and yesterday and today the HVAC guys did their finishing work.

Here’s how things look now. (Compare to last week.)

The Main Space

A practically finished basement living space. The ceiling is painted a charcoal gray with circular lights. A bluish gray foot-long-ish border goes along the top of the walls. The bulk of the walls are a gray color. The window well is inset against the border. The flooring is a wood-looking material.

Another photo of the same basement space from a different angle.

Another photo of the same basement space from a third angle. From this angle a built in bookshelf below a double window is visible.

Another photo of the same basement space from a fourth angle.

The Laundry

The laundry shelf still needs a coat of finish, and the access panels for plumbing still need to be finished.

A photo of the laundry room. A wooden laundry shelf spans the far wall. The wall to the right has a framed opening where the the plumbing can be accessed.

Another photo of the laundry room from the opposite angle. The laundry machines and the door are visible.

The Stairs

The stair treads still need to be installed. We’re waiting on the stain to come in and be applied. Plus a bonus second pic now that the door’s been painted.

A photo of the stairs. The step treads are not yet installed. At the bottom of the stairs is a piece of wood with squares of stain that we used to see what we wanted to use for the tread stain.

A photo of the new door to the basement from the main floor. It’s a narrow door with window panes in a 2x5 grid.

The Utility Room

We have a light in the utility room now, so here’s how that is looking.

A photo of the utility room. It remains unfinished. The back of the main space wall meets the exterior wall which has been spray-foam insulated.

Another photo of the utility room. From this angle the HVAC with the new dehumidifier can be seen.