Basement Project End of Week 10

Week 10 saw flooring installed and interior trim work, the sump pump access built, and, today, painters were here. Here’s how things look now.

Week 10 saw flooring installed and interior trim work, the sump pump access built, and, today, painters were here.

Here’s how things look now (compare to last week):

The Main Space

A photo of a mostly finished basement. Flooring is newly installed. The walls have a darker strip of color about 14 inches tall from where they meet the ceiling.

Another photo of the same basement from another angle. Painting supplies are still out, including a ladder and some pieces of plastic sheeting on the floor.

Another photo of the same basement from a different angle.

A fourth photo of the same basement from a fourth angle.

The Laundry

A photo of the partially finished laundry room. The laundry shelf is visible on the far end with a cabinet concealing the sump pump access.

Another photo of the laundry room from the opposite angle. Nothing really of interest from this angle.

The Stairs

A photo of partially finished stairs. The fronts of the steps have been painted, but treads have not yet been installed.