2025’s Planting Project Identified: the Side Steps

Megan and I identified next year’s planting project: the side steps.

Steps go up alongside a house. The bulk of it is stone, but there are small areas of mulch.
The side steps, A
Steps go down alongside a house. The bulk of it is stone, but there are small areas of mulch.
The side steps, A

Megan and I went over our options for next year’s planting project. Much of our backyard isn’t available for planting until we finish the planned work behind the retaining wall. This year’s project went over budget, so next year’s budget is reduced accordingly.

In my mind, our best options for next year are either the side steps or the front porch entrance. The side steps are mostly stone steps and slate chips, but there are a couple of small spots available for planting, as well as some space between our rocks and the neighbors’ fence. The front porch entrance is a much bigger endeavor. We have a long term plan for more of an overhaul of the front entrance, but, in the meantime, I think we can greatly improve it with some modifications.

Even my reduced, interim front entrance idea involves a walkway and steps and planting a good-sized area. With our reduced budget, I think getting the walkway and steps in and preparing the planting area would be the extent of the project. The side steps, however, is limited and targeted. There’s just not a lot of space to plant.

We opted for the side steps. I don’t think we’ll have any issue staying within budget.

Now that it’s identified, the next steps are to map it out and to prep the planting areas by amending the soil, mulching, and keeping it weeded.

Steps along the side of a house. Areas around the steps are circled.
The anticipated areas available for planting are circled in red. (The edge of this year’s planting is visible to the left at the top of the steps.)