Feedback on GDOT Project 0017410

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My submitted feedback to GDOT regarding a proposed project to construct a slip lane connecting the exit ramp (255) for Northside Parkway from I-75 North to Howell Mill Road.

GDOT is proposing adding a slip lane to an exit ramp currently connecting I-75 to Northside Parkway so that exiting traffic can merge directly onto Howell Mill Road. Below is my submitted feedback on the project:

This is a bad solution to the stated problem and would not provide the predicted benefits.

The stated problem is that the exit road, Northside Parkway, is too congested to handle the quantity of vehicles wanting to exit at that point, backing up traffic on I-75. Increasing the exiting capacity would only induce demand at that exit, leaving the same problem on I-75, now only with more cars congested at Northside Parkway and Howell Mill Road.

Additionally, the predicted benefits: relieving existing excessive vehicular congestion, reducing traffic crashes, and preparing for increased vehicular and pedestrian traffic, would not materialize. Existing congestion would not be relieved because of induced demand, traffic crashes likely would not go down because even more cars are involved in the congestion, and slip lanes are decidedly dangerous for pedestrians.

The proposed solution would not relieve congestion and would make the area worse for everyone.