Started The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin.
Started The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin.
Finished The Fire Next Time.
My previous exposure to James Baldwin had only been video clips shared on the internet. I was mesmerized by his unique expression of ideas and experiences.
Baldwin’s writing in this book does not disappoint along those lines. He has an incredible way with words.
I’d like to read some of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s writings and would prefer a recommended reading list more granular than a _A Testament of Hope_. This series seems like a decent approach. I’m bookmarking this page and adding _Stride Toward Freedom_ to my “to read” list.
Started The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin.
Finished Project Hail Mary.
The story was good and the reading pace was quick. I thought the conclusion was satisfying and clever.