A New Direction

Simplisticism was my first website; my first foray into the world of the web. At the time, I wanted to get my hands dirty with WordPress, so I set it up, made some minor changes to the theme and wrote a few articles. Times changed, I got busy, and Simplisticism became an afterthought. At some point, I was embarrassed to own a site I hadn't designed and built, and that became a further deterrent to post to Simplisticism. In the meantime, I built Orange Gnome to serve as the hub for my personal online projects. Now that it's off the ground, I have a new space for a blog and have decided to revamp the design and incorporate Simplisticism into the Orange Gnome family. And with the new design and new identity, I give it a new name: Writings. I never really liked the old name, "Simplisticism.com" I wanted "Simplism.com" or something like that, but it was taken. I'm sure "Writings.com" is taken as well, but my Orange Gnome strategy makes heavy use of subdomains to distinguish the different sites. So, the name is Writings, and the home is writings.orangegnome.com. I like it. For the time being, Simplisticism.com redirects to the new address, but I'll cancel that domain in a few months, once all[foot]or: a significant amount of[/foot] the 301s get squared away. I hope to use this site as the communications outpost for my personal projects, to continue to write my thoughts on religion and life, and to document design and development ideas and experiences that don't belong on Lineberry Design.[foot]Lineberry Design is my professional web development portfolio site. Clients don't care about weird CSS bugs or awesome WordPress hacks. While Writings doesn't have a focused target audience, Lineberry Design certainly does, and technical writing is not appropriate for that audience.[/foot] I will probably post the odd link to big things at Lineberry Design, but we'll see. If you, for some reason, subscribed to the feed on Simplisticism, please update to the new feed. This site is very much a work in progress. If you encounter any issues or bugs,[foot]Even typos. I could use better grammar and spelling in my life[/foot] feel free to let me know. If for some reason the contact form is the issue, find me on Twitter.