Grand Canyon etc. Day 8: Hummer Tour and Arches Scenic Drive + Landscape Arch

Today we went on a Hummer tour and took a scenic drive through Arches National Park with a hike to Landscape Arch.

Today we went on a Hummer tour and took a scenic drive through Arches National Park with a hike to Landscape Arch.

Hummer Tour

Using the same Moab adventure Center company as yesterday’s rafting, we took a Hummer Tour in the Sand Flats Recreation Area.

The tour took us on some of the 4x4 trails. Off-roading is something I’ve never done before and never really cared to do. The ride was rough, and I was impressed by the terrain our driver took us over. The views were also nice, but it didn’t ignite any kind of desire to do again.

A hummer sits atop a stone ledge. Cliffs and bluffs are in the distance and a river runs through a valley below.
Our hummer parked at a scenic stopping point.

Scenic Drive through Arches National Park + Landscape Arch

After lunch we used our 2–3pm timed entry to do a scenic drive through Arches National Park. The drive is outlined in our Lonely Planet guidebook. We skipped the first few stops since we saw much of that during our trip to The Windows.

We stopped at Balanced Rock and did the little walk around it. Then we went to the Delicate Arch viewpoints for those of us that didn’t hike to it yesterday. Next we drove towards Devils Garden at the very end of the road.

We didn’t plan on doing any hiking on the drive, but the opportunity to see Landscape Arch was too good to pass up. The hike was more pleasant with some good shady spots at the beginning and the occasional shade after that. It’s surprising how much cooler the shade is than in the sun.

A thin stretch of stone creates a wide arch. Some sky and some mountain are visible through the arch.
Landscape Arch

After the hike we stopped at Panorama Point and then continued back at the hotel and called it a day.